As I went from massaging my liniment onto a bruised and swollen (via kick) shoulder, rubbing down stocked up tendons, to treating mild thrush, an “aha moment” really dawned on me: I use Absorbine Veterinary Liniment for just about everything – and it’s good for just about everything. So I’m going to give you a list …
Product Review: Fiske’s Hoof & Hide Balm
It’s been one month into the trial and yet even after one week I could have had a lot to say. Mainly, that this product is actually quite amazing. I regret not taking before and after pictures, but Mr. P’s hooves were so shameful it was… better left in the past. And that just goes …
Reading the Fine Print on Hoofcare Products
I recently paid a visit to the tackshop to nab a few knicknacks, one of the chief items being a hoof moisturizer. Mr. P has terribly dry and cracked feet. The rehabilitation for such things is arduous at best, but I’m hoping to at least reduce the peeling of the hoof wall if we can…. …