Exhibiting some stringhalt-like flexion, but without any other indicators of stringhalt, and maybe even some toe-drag, but an otherwise normal-behaving stifle? Look for the peculiar dent/abnormality in the musculature of the hamstrings that can reveal scar tissue below the surface. A google search for “hamstring tear” solved the mystery surrounding the “hitch” of my newest …
Halting the Spread
It’s no exaggeration to say that 2020 has been a year. Between Covid-19 and the EHV-1 cases in southern Ontario (and protests in the US because BLACK LIVES MATTER), it’s more important than ever to do our part for biosecurity. Industry professionals who travel barn to barn need to take extra precaution to prevent the spread …
How Massage Therapy Improves Muscle Function
Roughly 45 percent of a horse’s total body weight is muscle, responsible for powering locomotion and movement while distributing force and absorbing shock. When the weight of a rider, application of tack, and demands of training are factored in, an enormous amount of stress is placed on the biolocomotive systems, compromising the efficacy of muscular …
Reasons and Remedies for the Hollow-Backed Horse
No matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to get your horse to lift his back or engage his hindquarters. The strides are choppy, maybe even rushed, and he is fighting the bit. Before you criticize him for disobedience or bad behaviour, it’s important to make sure he isn’t suffering from back pain. Here’s …