Exhibiting some stringhalt-like flexion, but without any other indicators of stringhalt, and maybe even some toe-drag, but an otherwise normal-behaving stifle? Look for the peculiar dent/abnormality in the musculature of the hamstrings that can reveal scar tissue below the surface. A google search for “hamstring tear” solved the mystery surrounding the “hitch” of my newest …
Reasons and Remedies for the Hollow-Backed Horse
No matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to get your horse to lift his back or engage his hindquarters. The strides are choppy, maybe even rushed, and he is fighting the bit. Before you criticize him for disobedience or bad behaviour, it’s important to make sure he isn’t suffering from back pain. Here’s …
Thrush Prevention & Treatment
Without fail, as soon as the days get shorter and your horse’s coat starts getting fuzzier, we seem to find ourselves knee-deep in “mud season”, usually lovingly referred to as autumn. This is the best time to stay on top of thrush, and keep it under control before it gets into their sole, if you know what …
Laminitis: Symptoms and Treatment
This was a paper I did years ago as coursework. Laminitis (founder), as defined by the UC Davis Book of Horses, is “inflammation of the laminae of the foot which serve to attach the coffin bone to the hoof wall.” It is caused by an interruption (constant, intermittent or short-term) of blood flow to the sensitive and …