product review products

Absorbine Veterinary Liniment: A Wizard in a Bottle

As I went from massaging my liniment onto a bruised and swollen (via kick) shoulder, rubbing down stocked up tendons, to treating mild thrush, an “aha moment” really dawned on me: I use Absorbine Veterinary Liniment for just about everything – and it’s good for just about everything. So I’m going to give you a list …

books dressage

Improve your Riding with Anatomy of Dressage

Getting right down to the core elements of rider position, effect and influence, Anatomy of Dressage by Heinrich Schusdziarra and Volker Schusdziarra is a staple of the dressage (or any!) rider to truly understand their body in the saddle and how best to use it to for desired effect. Originally translated from German and now co-published …

dressage Ride with Your Seat rider technique riding

Ride with Your Seat: Master the Basics

No matter your discipline, once you learn the finesse of communicating intent with your seat, weight, and legs, it opens you to a whole new level of riding. In addition to being able to guide your horse with a thought, the awareness you glean from practicing your side of the communication also educates your body into …

books health guides

Every Horseman’s Companion: Complete Holistic Care and Healing for Horses by Mary Brennan, DVM

Whether you believe in each and every nuance of homeopathy and holistic healing is irrelevant when compared to the trove of information detailed in this book. With an easy-to-use format and laid out like an encyclopedia, this Complete Holistic Care and Healing for Horses by Mary Brennan, DVM, has proven an invaluable reference and helpful guide …