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anatomy biomechanics health lameness legs and hooves massage

Fibrotic Myopathy – Identification & Management

Exhibiting some stringhalt-like flexion, but without any other indicators of stringhalt, and maybe even some toe-drag, but an otherwise normal-behaving stifle? Look for the peculiar dent/abnormality in the musculature of the hamstrings that can reveal scar tissue below the surface. A google search for “hamstring tear”  solved the mystery surrounding the “hitch” of my newest …

dressage riding training

Unlocking Inversion: Release and Round the Hollow-backed Horse

A dropped or hollowed back can be a critical roadblock in advancing the athletic development of the horse. More importantly than the sought-after aesthetics, it is a definitive indicator of weakness through the abdominals, and lack of engagement from the hindquarters. Once ill-fitting tack and pain have been ruled out as potential factors, it’s a …

biomechanics health massage

How Massage Therapy Improves Muscle Function

Roughly 45 percent of a horse’s total body weight is muscle, responsible for powering locomotion and movement while distributing force and absorbing shock. When the weight of a rider, application of tack, and demands of training are factored in, an enormous amount of stress is placed on the biolocomotive systems, compromising the efficacy of muscular …